Approaching Personality Disorders with Unstable Traits in the Spanish National Health System

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Sara González González
Nerea Gómez Carazo


The current prevalence of personality disorders (PD) in the clinical population constitutes a priority health problem, generating specific challenges in terms of prevention, assessment and treatment. The care of people diagnosed with PD demands a high degree of specialisation and a considerable allocation of resources, which underlines the need for adequate therapeutic planning. In this context, clinical psychology plays a fundamental role within the Spanish National Health System (NHS). This relevance is especially accentuated in the treatment of borderline personality disorder, where psychological interventions have been shown to be the most robust strategy among those available. In this paper, the existing therapeutic options are detailed, also addressing aspects of framing that are crucial to optimise treatment efficacy. Finally, a summary of the main features of public care for PT in the NHS is provided, and guidelines for addressing personality disorders with unstable traits are outlined based on the available evidence, elaborated by the Working Group on PTs of the Spanish Society of Clinical Psychology-ANPIR.

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