Case Formulation in the Clinical Psychology Journal: Rationale for a Model

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Sergio Sánchez
Carmen Caballero


Case formulation (CF) is a basic activity in the practice of all clinical psychologists regardless of their field of work, as reflected in the curriculum of the speciality. In the following lines, a model of psychological case formulation is presented, which aims to combine scientific and reflective aspects of the clinical speciality, understanding psychological intervention as determined both in the theoretical, technical and methodological aspects and in others related to the construction of meaning that the patient places in the performance of a treatment inserted in an active therapeutic relationship. The model is fundamentally in line with the main current proposals on FC in the specialised literature, incorporating the recognition of integrative praxis in professional performance as well as the specific weight of evidence in the decision-making process regarding the intervention strategies to be applied at each particular moment. FC reflects the crossroads between the theoretical, technical and applied, whose humble level of evidence generated aspires to feed the construction of valid alternatives in the optimisation of psychological intervention at a systematic level.

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Casos Clínicos
Author Biography

Sergio Sánchez, Hospital de la Serranía, Andalusian Health Service


My name is Sergio Sánchez, I am a clinical psychologist, PhD in psychology and currently editor-in-chief of the journal Psicología Clínica. My professional interests focus on psychotherapy, particularly on the study of the relevant variants in the psychotherapeutic process. I cannot hide the way I see clinical psychology as an opportunity to change the world as we understand it.


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