The Home of Clinical Psychology
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)

Welcome to Clinical Psychology!

This is the inaugural issue of the journal of the Spanish Society of Clinical Psychology-ANPIR, the most representative collective of clinical psychology specialists in Spain since 1997. This semi-annual publication aims to be a privileged space within the societal ecosystem, dedicated to the development of scientific, technical, and professional topics relevant to clinical psychologists. Its ultimate goal is to advocate for, improve, and facilitate ethical and effective mental health care in the public interest.

The first issue includes various works proposed by the sections that make up the SEPC-ANPIR. We especially highlight the contribution of Michael Scott, who, from the British National Health Service, offers a critical view on the evolution of primary care assistance programs in his country. His analysis highlights both the opportunities and paradoxes these programs represent, and serves as a warning about the repercussions of introducing spurious interests in community health systems, as well as their impact on care quality and the exercise of citizens' health rights.